He's a wheeler and dealer having completed 86 trades since Hunter formed. Ben wishes he never pulled the trigger on the Derek O'Keefe trade to El Paso back in season 4 (something we will get into in a later feature I'm planning) but, after two world championships, I'm thinking it wasn't that debilitating.
Ben also has been playing in four other worlds for quite a while, now (with another World Series title in Riley) but strangely, none of his teams hail from his beloved Chicago. Hmmm.
Anyway, maybe some dumb questions will bring him back down to earth.
Is bjb2378 your real name?
Nope, My initials are BJB, my name is Ben Bradford. My birthday is 2/3/78.
What are your vitals?
I am a 30 year old attorney in Chicago. Prior to practicing law, I was a computer
What are your favorite real-life sports teams or players?
I am a big Chicago sports fan with my favorite teams being the White Sox, Bears and Bulls.
Why WIS?
I started with WIS baseball and then switched over to HBD with the release. I forgot how I first stumbled upon WIS in the first place, but I have been playing for years.
Why Hunter?
I chose Hunter because it was a league starting when I was looking to play HBD. I stay because its a fun league and very competitive.
Why so many WIS teams?
I think its tough to keep up with my four teams, but I have invested time into building them so I don't want to give one up.
When you aren't WISing, what do you do?
Sadly, most of the time I am working. But when I am out of the office, I play basketball and volleyball at least once a week. After that, my time is spent enjoying all Chicago has to offer whether its a ball game, a new restaurant or just walking around the city.
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